#1: noreply-comment@blogger.com
I love getting comments. Love it. And I love responding to those comments individually to the people who send them, but it makes me sad when I go to respond to a comment and see this instead of an email address. I understand if you dont want to use your real email address or name. It's easy and free to create a new email address that you can use for blogging. I want to respond to comments from so many of my favorite bloggers, but can not because there isnt an email address connected to your account. I feel like Im being rude by not replying to some comments, but it's because I cant, not because I dont want to.
#2: Word Verification for comments
As much as I love to receive comments, I also love to leave comments. I'll admit though, there are times when I wont comment on a blog if I know they have word verification set up. Sometimes Im in a bit of a rush and just dont want to take the time to do it. I understand having this step if you get a lot of spam. But honestly, do you get a lot of spam comments? It may seem like a little thing, but when you're catching up on reading and have 20, 30, 50 blogs to go through, it's hard to stop and comment on those that are going to take up even more time.
When I started my blog, I had this function turned on. Then I read a post like this on another bloggers site and thought, huh, why do I need this? I thought she made a good point and I got rid of it that day and havent used it since.
(I still love reading your blogs and will continue to comment on them, even if you fit into one of these two categories! =)
8 years ago
I love comments too and although I don't necessary answer each one individually each one is very important to me... I do think that the word verification is important because in the past I've gotten a bit of spam.
I'm with you on both counts. When I first started blogging I didn't have it set up... but a friend of mine said that for some reason she could only comment on blogs when they had the pop-out word verification thing set up. Kind of odd, huh? I noticed that I did get a lot of spam right before I activated the pop-out feature. I'm with you and totally agree- it's a bare.
I completely agree with you. I get so sad when they don't have a reply to email set. I have hunted a few people down and emailed them directly to get on it (and they did - I can be quite forceful).
I'm with you on word verification; it's hard to do from my phone. I do know of a few bloggers who get a few hundred spam comments PER POST! How annoying is that?! I've only had about 4 ever.
One thing that doesn't so much make me sad as annoy me is music on a blog. I'm sad to say that's one of the main reasons I've stopped following a few blogs.
I totally agree with you! I hate it when I can't email people back! The whole word verification thing is just annoying but I'm with the annoyed army wife...I really hate the music. I usually have the TV or music on in the background and the extra music is annoying.
I hate the word verifications, it can be very frustrating especially if you are typing fast and get the word wrong. I get why people like music but it bugs me too. If you want music on your blog, put the player at the top so we can turn it off much easier.
I especially hate it when the word verification comes after you have hit submit. They blind side you with it! SO annoying! And yes...I hate the music too. But I almost always have my computer silenced.
I agree with you so much! I just can't stand it, it makes me so sad to not be able to reply, and i always mistype the word verification things so I'll only try twice now then Ijust won't comment...
I understand about the word verification. I do. I had mine turned off until I got a very hateful comment on my blog. It made me cry. It was awful. Then I got mad. AND...the poster was anonymous. She didn't agree with my parenting style, my homeschooling lifestyle, or my comments about my smallest daughter being so thin (I had posted being annoyed at the pediatrician for saying she was way underweight). I now know who this person was...although she never told me so. I found out on my own. She was someone I considered a "friend". I have had my word verification turned on ever since.
And...this is the first time I have been to your blog and I am a stranger to you. Just about told you my life's history. OOOPS.
Thanks for the reminder, I totally just turned off word verification. When I set up my blog, I had no idea what it was- now I know, and what a pain it is!
I'm with you on the not being able to respond. I love being able to respond (since I don't get a TON of comments) to as many as I can. And the music drives me insane! Especially when I'm not expecting it and my speakers are up, it scares everyone in the room. And is annoying too...
I too get frsutrated by word verification things in all aspects of "things-internet". I decided against having one on mine too. I get occasional spam comments but just delete them. I figure that's way easier than putting people off leaving any potential comments.
I have spent days trying to fix sad thing #1...HOW? LOL! tara_hsmomof4@yahoo.com
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