Im back from my vacation and getting back into my normal routine. Coming back to Germany this time was brutal. Skipping seven time zones really just isnt any fun and its taken me a week to get readjusted. Waking up at 3 am starving, then not being able to go back to sleep is not my idea of a fun night.
It was all worth it though because I had a fabulous trip back home. My first weekend back, I visited J in ATL. We went to the Atlanta aquarium which was amazing and had some kick-ass American food, which I had been craving. When the weekend was over, I drove to my parents house in AR and spent a lovely week being a bum on their couch. It felt wonderful to just relax, watch real TV (no AFN commercials!) and have all of my meals cooked for me. I love my parents house! =) Unfortunately, I also caught a terrible cold Day 1 of being there. Thankfully, it only last 1.5 weeks and Im all better now. That Friday, I picked J up and we spent another week with my family. We shopped, we ate (Mexican, Brazilian, Sushi yum!!!), we even got snowed in. After a winter in Germany snow has lost its luster for J and I.
I didnt realize that I was homesick until I actually went back home. I miss my family and so many things that living in the States affords you, things that you take for granted when you've lived there all your life- the convenience of everything, a variety of restaurants, shopping, being in the same, or nearly the same, time zone as everyone you know, television, variety in every form, being able to pick up the phone and call anyone, etc. Dont get me wrong- I love living here in Germany. I just didnt realize that I also really missed living in the States.
While I was away I acquired several new followers, so I just want to say hello to all of you and thank you for following! Im more likely to follow you back if you leave a comment, that way I can find my way to your blog.
This past week was very busy and exhausting:
-We havent fully unpacked (make that- J hasnt fully unpacked yet).
-J went back to work.
-J's car broke right before I left for the States. While I was driving it. NOT my fault (thankfully), but we've been without it all week and havent had a chance to take it in. For now, we're back to being a one car family. (why do these things always happen when the men are away?)
-We had three Dr's appts between the two of us. More on that to come later...
-We hung out with several of our friends. I really missed them while I was away!
-We celebrated Valentine's Day by having dinner at a castle restaurant! The setting and ambiance was so romantic and gorgeous. The food was really just ok, but that didnt damper our mood.
-We spent tons of time with our pup Reese. I missed her so much and I know she felt the same from the welcome home we received. Her mamaw bought her some new outfits and, wait for it...... shoes. Yes, my mother bought my dog shoes. Pink ones at that, with a zipper and velcro. Pictures and even a video of that are on the way. Watching her in those shoes is one of the most hilarious things that I have ever seen!
-We caught up on a few of our favorite shows- Glee and Modern Family. Im also digging the new shows Harry's Law & Fairly Legal. Ive always loved CSI, HIMYM, Top Chef & Cougar Town!
Now that our first week back is out of the way, Ill hopefully be back to my regularly scheduled posting.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend! Happy Monday!

Welcome back. I am glad you got to enjoy some ATL and appreciated your time in the USA. :)
Welcome back! Sounds like you had a good time, minus catching a cold.
Hope the jet lag passes quickly for you, I always hate coming back from the States and having to deal with it.
Welcome back! Glad you have fun stateside! You'll readjust in no time ;)
Welcome "home" :-) Glad you had such a good time, despite the cold.
Welcome back! We missed you!! Glad you had a good time on vacation. :-)
Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a great visit back home, in spite of some of the "bummers" you experienced too! Good to have you back :)
Welcome home! :)
So glad that you're back! I hope the adjustment period is short and sweet ;)
Sometimes you just never know what home actually means until you leave it for a little bit :) Welcome home!
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