Sunday, May 23, 2010


I think I have finally found a suitable replacement for my beloved pumpkin spice creamer. Sound a little too dramatic? Maybe. Do I care? Not one bit. =) The commissary had one bottle left of International Delights Belgium White Chocolate Macadamia left, so I snagged it & decided to give it a try. Ive been using it for the past four mornings and I have to say, its very, very good. Not as great as the pumpkin spice, but definitely better than anything else that Ive tried. Now I only have to hope that the commissary in Germany carries it, or Ill have to start all over!


Preppy Girl Meets World said...

If, like me, you are the poster child for Murphy's Law, then they most definitely will not have it. However, Ramstein is HUGE and there are a lot of military bases in the area, so another commissary may have it or they may be able to order it for you.

Uncork and Unwined said...

My fingers are crossed that they will either have it or something suitable. I am looking forward to shopping at Germany markets though & trying out their Kaffees!