I havent participated in this in a long time! I liked this week's questions though, so here ya go!
1. If you could have a private concert with any singer, who would it be? submitted by An Air Force Wife’s Blog
John Mayer hands-down. I absolutely love his music and have seen him in concert twice. A private concert of all of my favorite songs? Yes please.
John Mayer hands-down. I absolutely love his music and have seen him in concert twice. A private concert of all of my favorite songs? Yes please.
2. Is there anything you do to supplement your family’s income? submitted by Our Life, One Adventure at a Time
Nope, not anymore. Before we moved to Germany, we were a two income family, but it's been impossible to find a job here. I would love to find something that I could do from home though.
Nope, not anymore. Before we moved to Germany, we were a two income family, but it's been impossible to find a job here. I would love to find something that I could do from home though.
3. During your pregnancy (whether past, present, or future), what did you nickname your unborn baby before you knew the sex? submitted by Explosions of Love
We called her Baby Olive from week nine (when she was the size of an olive) until we found out the sex. I love the name Olive, but we already had a girl's name picked out.
We called her Baby Olive from week nine (when she was the size of an olive) until we found out the sex. I love the name Olive, but we already had a girl's name picked out.
4. Have you ever won a blog giveaway? If so what did you win? submitted by Mrs. O’s Life
Yes! And it seriously makes my day when I do! I won a bunch of bath and body stuff in a giveaway hosted my My Camo Colored Life, sponsored by Inspiri, which is run by It's a Dog Tag Wife Life. Sooo good! I won a precious baby hat from Flip Flops and Combat Boots, sponsored by Maggie's Closet. I also won a CSN gift certificate from Annoyed Army Wife. I love giveaways!
Yes! And it seriously makes my day when I do! I won a bunch of bath and body stuff in a giveaway hosted my My Camo Colored Life, sponsored by Inspiri, which is run by It's a Dog Tag Wife Life. Sooo good! I won a precious baby hat from Flip Flops and Combat Boots, sponsored by Maggie's Closet. I also won a CSN gift certificate from Annoyed Army Wife. I love giveaways!
5. If I looked into your refrigerator right now, what would I find? submitted by Married to the Army
Bread, yogurt, grapes, pineapple, cheese, pasta, tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, beer, milk, cranberry juice, tea, artichokes, tortillas, salad, chicken, and a huge assortment of condiments. Im heading out to the German market soon though, so Im hoping to add some fresh fruits and veggies today!
Bread, yogurt, grapes, pineapple, cheese, pasta, tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, beer, milk, cranberry juice, tea, artichokes, tortillas, salad, chicken, and a huge assortment of condiments. Im heading out to the German market soon though, so Im hoping to add some fresh fruits and veggies today!
Happy Friday Everyone! Have a great weekend!

coming from wife of a sailor - i like john mayer too! and I love the nickname Baby Olive, how sweet!
Love the nickname, Baby Olive :) Have a great weekend!
What an adorable nickname! That is really cute. John Mayer is a great choice!
Stopping by from Wife of a Sailor. Olive is a great nickname and a really great name! Too cute! I've been having the same job situation here in Korea. I'm looking forward to working again once we are back in the states.
Coming over from Wife of a Sailor MilSpouse Friday Fill-In! John Mayer is a GREAT choice! I didn't even think of him! But now that you mention him, I think another great private concert would be Jack Johnson! I agree with the other ladies, what a cute nickname!!
I love the name Olive! I'm going to do this on my blog today :)
I agree with the others, Baby Olive is adorable! Hmmm... not too sure about John Mayer though because I read way too many on-line gossip columnists to suspect what he might be doing behind the scenes...
I read http://eonline.com :)
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